Don, Doaf, and I drove up the Mt. Rose highway to Tahoe Meadows; last time we were here it seemed that Spring was just breaking out. Today it seemed more like mid Spring up at 8000 feet. Arriving at 10 am, there seemed to be a good bit of bird activity. I was trying out my new telephoto lens (Tamron 100 – 400mm), which is quite a bit more reach than the 300mm zoom I’ve used for the past year or more. We saw a number of blackbirds and sparrows, (mostly white-crowned sparrows). This time we didn’t get lost, rather we took the middle loop trail. It was a gorgeous day, and much cooler than in town (Reno) I was thrilled to spot a Pine Grosbeak – a bird I’ve been seeking for some time. Also, up in the pine trees we observed a busy pair of Western Tanagers. They must have had a nest nearby. They tolerated us watching them for about 20 minutes, and flew around in a group of about six pine trees.
A Mountain Chickadee stopped at a nearby branch. Surprisingly, it came and perched on Don’s hand once he offered it. We’d seen this behavior in winter and when we had bird seed with us. Maybe it remembered Don?
We added 2 species to my TBY list.
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